On April 1st, 2007 Wrestlemania 23
comes to Detroit. There are actually a few people I know that will be attending the show. I'm so jealous of them
right now as I type this. I just hope they get me some awesome gifts. They better be t-shirts too! haha!
The main events. First one will probably be The Undertaker vs.
Batista. I really hope that Undertaker wins because Batista has gotten boring to me. He's reminded me so much
of Goldberg now. I can't stand watching him wrestle anymore. He's not all powerful like he was before. Plus
I don't want Undertaker's un-defeated streak to come to an end just yet. That wouldn't be right!
Donald Trump vs. Vince McMahon is a stupid one. Stone Cold will
most likely be the special ref for the match too. That sucks even more because I want Vince McMahon to win! I
don't see why all the fans want him to lose too because if it weren't for Vince, there'd be no WWE. Ugh! I hate
some of these WWE fans. All I can say is that Umaga better whoop Bobby Lashley's ass all over Michigan!!
Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena looks like it'll be a boring one.
It pisses me off that Cena walked into Wrestlemania 22 as the Champion and will be walking into Wrestlemania
23 as the Champion again. The guy seriously sucks! Shawn Michaels will be the one carrying his ass throughout
the entire match. I will be so upset if HBK doesn't win. I don't see how anybody can like Cena. It's so
gay that only little kids and dumbass girls scream for him when us devoted wrestling fans KNOW that he sucks.
The Money In the Bank match hasn't been completed yet, so I
will try my best to get back on this one before the show in April. If not, then I hope Edge wins it again. hehe.
Hey There Everybody and Welcome To My Homepage!
Here you'll learn all about me: my interests and hobbies, my friends, stuff I like, and more. I've even included a journal
and a list of my favorite links to other sites. Thanks for stopping by, and please don't hesitate to come again
On this home page, the "doorway" to my site, I'll
introduce myself and talk about my reasons for wanting a web site. I might put a picture of myself on this page...or just
a picture that I especially like, or I might not put one in at all because I'm ugly and I don't want anybody to see me.
sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also contact me through e-mail!
What's New?!
Hey there peeps! I FINALLY came back to give you all a small update. I changed around a few pictures
in my 'Friends Photo Album' as well as my 'Family Photo Album' because some of it was too
old. I never got to add more pictures to my own album as well as the 'Random Photo Album.' I'll
see if I can do all that this evening if I'm not too tired or if I don't go out. If not, then maybe until Sunday, but make
sure you come back and see whats in store! OH YEAH!! I also added some new pictures of my room and one of my computer.
LOL!! Check them out in the 'All About Me' section. Enjoy!! To be continued...
And if you're going to tag the tag board, then I suggest you use your actual
name and not anything stupid like, 'Batista' or 'Rey Mysterio' because it makes you look stupid. Other than
that, tag away.
P.S. - I also fixed my counter and my guestbook, so go sign the damn
thing to let me know you were here. Please!

Well look what I got! LoL! To be honest, I don't think
my site deserves an award because it sucks and it looks like $hit! What did I do to my site that it deserved this? LoL!
I guess I won for never updating or something. hehe.